Getting started


How to manage huddles

  • #huddles
  • #guide
  • #introduction

Huddle overview

Huddles are basic building blocks of Maata they are used to collect ideas in short form they don't exceed 250 characters,where they are above those characters they are no longer a huddle they became a Clause .

Huddle features

These are main characteristics of a huddle

  1. Huddle is a short form of text.
  2. Huddle content doesn't exceed 250 characters.
  3. Huddle can be public or private.
  4. Huddle has a short description describing the actual huddle content.
  5. Huddle has a name which is a one or two words summary of the huddle content.

Create huddle

Huddle new From the image above you can create a huddle in multiple ways:

  1. From a specific deployment/ consultation you create a huddle using thecreate huddle button down on the huddles tab.
  2. From a quick action on deployment page

You have to fill out the huddle creation form and save it .

  • name: is a summarized huddle content is few word not more than 4
  • content: is the actual full content of a huddle which doesn't exceed 250 characters
  • description: is a description of huddle content
  • open: this is to control who you want to view your huddle
  • auth: this is to control if a user has to own account or not to view the huddle being created

View huddle

Huddle View a huddle you will see a huddle in full details with all its meta data.

Edit huddle

You can edit a huddle in various: Huddle edit

  1. From the huddle view there is an edit button .
  2. From the huddle settings there is an edit button

Once you reach the page you adjust the huddle as needed and save those changes

Huddle settings

The huddle settings page control huddle in general from knowing the creator , to deleting the huddle. Huddle setting From settings you get all the interactions around a huddle such as comments, huddles, votes, attachments, endorsements ,...

Delete huddle

You can delete a huddle , with all the required credentials. Huddle setting

NB : This is an irreversible process procede with caution

Huddle actions

This is a huddle quick action menu , where you can start interaction around a huddle using:

Huddle setting

  1. Endorsements: this enables to give a huddle an endorsement
  2. Comments: this enables to give a huddle a comment
  3. Votes: this enables to give a huddle a vote
  4. Huddles: this enables to give a huddle a huddle
  5. Attachments: this enables to give a huddle an attachment